The ancient Greek mathematics of distorted airplane propeller photos
Blooming caterpillars
Visualizing the Henson graph
Linkage with incoming gloom
Twenty questions with a random liar
Linus Pauling Commemorative Ceramic Mural
End-of-year linkage
Pseudonymity in academic publishing
Fast Schulze voting using quickselect
Congratulations, Dr. Tröbst!
Some highlights from FOCS
Halloween linkage
2-adic numbering for binary tilings
Splines for graph drawing theory
Computational complexities of folding
A half-flipped binary tiling
Linkage for the start of another academic year
Long but non-crossing paths and cycles
Congratulations, Dr. Lunel!
Flaps and flips
Linkage with a fold-and-cut hat
Range voting considered harmful
Crash-free path planning
Linkage from Australia
Celtix is NP-complete
Teachable suffix tree construction
Congratulations, Dr. Khodabandeh!
Congratulations, Dr. Ozel!
Gray parking?
Random perfection
Mendocino, sakura, and my father
Pre-April-fools linkage
One-face torus
Triforce toroids
Linkage for mid-March
Spanners that don't change much
Linkage for leap day
Voting with bitvector sums
The equilateral dimension of Riemannian manifolds
Integer distances in floppy metric spaces
End-of-year linkage
Correcting Harborth on rational distances
Some pyramidology
Aperiodic pinwheel scheduling using Beatty sequences
Mid-November Linkage
Linkage for Halloween
The quadtree-balancing antimatroid
Linkage for the start of the academic year
Report from Graph Drawing
A hyperbolic surface in Tokyo
The widths of strict outerconfluent graphs
Python's selection algorithm – A good choice based on bad experiments
Linkage from Montréal
Fast tracks for the theoretical CS conference-to-journal pipeline?
Well-spaced spring embeddings and well-spaced polyhedra
Linkage from a holiday-weekend road trip
Geometric flip-width revisited
Flat folding and map folding
All-but-clique-universal graphs
Soddy's quadlet
Congratulations, Dr. Frishberg!
Permutation supersequences and shortest paths
Linkage with new kittens
Coloring the plane for generic norms
A fractal arbelos
Linkage with two breakthroughs
Logic engines and product graphs
Linkage for the day after π day
More mathematics books by women
Non-crossing Hamiltonian paths and cycles in output-polynomial time
Linkage for 200,000 edits to Wikipedia
Isohedral Delaunay complexes
Geometric graphs with unbounded flip-width
Congratulations, Dr. Afshar!
Linkage partly from Barbados
Linkage with glass viruses and a Cheeto sphere
Doubled planar drawings of doubled planar graphs
First linkage of the new year
Year-end linkage
Tree-clique products
Linkage for the end of the Fall term
Randomly traceable graphs
A straight line through every face
Report from LATIN
Halloween linkage
Repeated vertices in TSP tours
Counting paths in convex polygons
Comparing distances along lines
Permuted points of interest
Midsphere facts and fallacies
Flipping until you are lost
The motion of bend lines on smooth surfaces
Reflections in an octagonal mirror maze
Dehn rank revisited
The shapes of triangular pencils
The analyst's minimum spanning tree
Maybe powers of π don't have unexpectedly good approximations?
Congratulations, Dr. Osegueda!
Dissection into rectangles and tensor rank
Mathematics books by women, in need of more reviews
Triangulation thickens grids
Hereditary first order graph properties can be hard
Fast iterated exchange transformations via normal curves
Open algorithmic problems from a talk by Alon
New Year's Eve linkage
Raytracing diamonds
Recursive bijective numbering
Linkage with a couple of photos
Random independent sets in bounded-treewidth graphs
Gilbert tessellations from a cellular automaton
Two counterexamples for covering points by two polygons
New computational geometry journal
Relevant neighbors
Generating fibbinary numbers, three ways
Multilayer tiles
Which integer sequences form denominators of Egyptian fractions?
Congratulations, Dr. Maxwell!
Doomed apartments
Hyperbolic geometry squishes graphs
Predicting weighted ranks
Linkage with many Wikipedia Good Articles
Angles of arc-triangles
Spanners for unit ball graphs in doubling spaces
Greedy orderings with transposition
Carrying as chip-firing for the Zeckendorf representation
Congratulations, Dr. Havvaei!
The constructive solid geometry of piecewise-linear functions
Arc-triangle tilings
Congratulations, Dr. Matias!
How good is greed for the no-three-in-line problem?
Pick's shoelaces
Linkage for the Ides of March
More mathematics books by women
Loops, degrees, and matchings
Lattice Borromean rings
Which induced-subgraph problems are easy, and which are hard?
Bracing squaregraphs (and other rhombus tilings)
Year-end linkage
Long contours and chessboard coloring
Study of a triangular bottle
Pathbreaking for intervals
Hex, books, and queues
Constant width from involutes of pseudotriangles
Linkage for a trick-or-treat-less Halloween
Graphs whose cycles all touch
The graphs of stably matchable pairs
Polyhedra without disjoint faces
Eberhard's theorem for bipartite polyhedra with one big face
Isosceles polyhedra
Bricard's jumping octahedron
Report from CCCG
Sona enumeration
Polyhedra with convex unfoldings
Three CCCG videos
Comparing multi-sport athletes using bounding-box area
Graham–Pollak partitions
The shape of the Wankel rotor
Sorting with integer offsets
Infinite threshold graphs, four different ways
The inbox of a triangle
Hanoi vs Sierpiński
Cartesian triangle centers
Stretch, average stretch, and expected stretch of spanning trees
Backyard sunlight
UCI Ecological Preserve
Stay-at-home linkage
More on uniqueness in Sudoku
Mathematics books by women
Leap day linkage
Two applications of maximum matching
Snowflake spanners
Spanners have sparse crossings
An unflippable polygon
When does 2SAT have an integral relaxation?
Counting grid polygonalizations
Year-end linkage
Asymptotics of Recamán's sequence
Recoloring infinite paths
Reconfiguring 3-colorings
Halloween linkage
Don't walk
MathJax 3 in Jekyll and Kramdown
From one fold to another
Hardness of planar Hamiltonian decomposition and linear arboricity
Drawing clustered graphs of bounded width
Congratulations, Dr. Mamano!
One thousand women of STEM!
Grid majors
Congratulations, Dr. Besa!
Serpentine belts
Footprints in the snow
Report from CCCG
University of Alberta Botanic Gardens
Report from WADS
A zipless polycube
Any-order puzzle deduction
Connectivity and finiteness in modal graph logic
Report from SoCG
Portland street art
Linkage for the end of an academic year
Dancing arc-quadrilaterals
A little knowledge can make the next step harder
Shattering and quasipolynomiality
More matching-mimicking networks
Congratulations, Dr. Tillman!
Playing with model trains and calling it graph theory
Euler characteristics of non-manifold polycubes
Monochromatic grids in colored grids
Coloring kinggraphs
Photos from Barbados
Planar graphs needing many lines
Counting polygon triangulations is hard
Mutual nearest neighbors versus closest pairs
Big convex polyhedra in grids
Simplifying task-milestone diagrams
Orientations of infinite graphs
Linkage for the end of the year
Motorcycle graphs and the eventual fate of sparse Life
Circles crossing at equal angles
General-position hypercube projections
Triply-Hamiltonian edge colorings
Gurobi versus the no-three-in-line problem
Random no-three-in-line sets
95 women of STEM
Linkage for Halloween
Layered pathwidth and its obstacles
Laminar 3-separators
Recognizing sparse leaf powers
Pictures from Manila
Big convex polygons in grids
Congratulations, Dr. Johnson!
Report from ALGO
Origami graphs
Finding obstacle-avoiding point sets can be hard
Congratulations, Dr. Gupta!
Fingerprints and tangent bundles
Malmö and the minimal surface
Copenhagen and the non-Penrose pentagonal paving
La Maddalena and the non-Reuleaux table
Vertex-free flat folding
LIPIcs autoref lemma
Lies to children
Book arrival
Planet reconfiguration
Sorting when the sorted order keeps changing
Fair open access
Stable-marriage Voronoi diagrams
2048: secretly the same as change-making
Subtraction games, the Furstenberg–Sárközy theorem, and R
The mythical Reuleaux triangle manhole cover
Esther Szekeres on triangle inequalities
Research, Bajan style
Drawing clustered graphs (slowly)
Finding the nearest open post office
64 mathematicians
#MeToo in theoretical computer science
Small hyperbolic tiles
Parallel matching in one-crossing-minor-free graphs
King tide at Virgin Creek
Linkage for the end of the year
Folding polyominoes into (poly)cubes
Factorial change-making
The chameleon's tongue
An uncolorable projective configuration
Eulerian partitions
Half a dimension short
Peeling vs shortening
The pentagon in the pyramid
Square contact graphs
Images from Graph Drawing
Pythagorean bicliques
Graphs with sparse crossings
Linkage for the end of summer
Miscellaneous photos from Tokyo
Report from JCDCG³
Sunshower: Contemporary Art from Southeast Asia
Sculpture in Tokyo
Linkage from Japan
Two new Graph Drawing preprints
Symmetries of 1-planar graphs
Orange County Fair
Report from CCCG
Forbidden configurations in discrete geometry
Congratulations, Dr. Derka!
Congratulations, Dr. Devanny!
Pascal trees for range searching
Pascal's triangle of point sets
Stable redistricting in road networks
The Malyshev graphs
How many edges can a squaregraph have?
Picnic at Stevens Creek
Which polyhedra can cage a bigger copy of themselves?
Bit tricks with cuckoo filters
Roundup of academic-publisher misconduct
Recognizing serial dictatorships
The Santa Cruz Sorting Hat
Russian Gulch photos
First linkage for my new site
Stable grid matching
Back up and running
Snapshots from Bellairs
Linkage for April Fools
Errera deltahedron
Linkage for the Ides of March
Fast K-best optimization for graphs of bounded treewidth
Triangle-free penny graphs are 2-degenerate
An unsuccessful attempt to use CairoSVG to generate small vector-graphics PDF files
Complete bipartite polyhedra
Linkage from out of the country
Rainy day
Weak moves in high-dimensional tic-tac-toe
Course prerequisites are not DAGs
Linkage for the end of an arbitrary temporal measurement unit
Fort Bragg
Arpeggio V, Bruce Beasley
Many points in small boxes
Happy Thanksgiving
Egyptian fractions with practical denominators
A better-behaved subtraction game
Shaving a superpolylog from subtract-a-square
Things to say goodbye to
Linkage for Halloween
Tridecenary frustum tree
The Kolakoski sequence via bit tricks instead of recursion
The Kolakoski tree
Voting on a Turing machine using constant-amortized-time counters
Linkage for the new school year
Directing traffic
Linkage for the end of the summer break
Drawing 2d modular lattices
A game of cop and robber
Bichromatic Euclidean minimum spanning trees
Some recent talk slides
Preprocessing arrays for fast sorted-subarray queries
Circle packings via matching and LP duality on sparse graphs
Streaming integer points in smaller space
Streaming integer points sorted by distance
Reykjavik street art
Open problems from SWAT
Robust graph isomorphism and its applications
Too many or too few ways to make change
Pre-announcement for the SODA call for papers
Series-parallel duality and read-once functions
Fisheye models of Euclidean geometry
The shape of the Kresge Auditorium
Cuckoo filters and their analysis
Local and inductive properties of graphs
Photos from LATIN
Random binary heaps, separable permutations, and numbers that multiply to factorials
Ordinal numbers as tree-depths of infinite graphs
Black Star Canyon
Finding your place on a map as quickly as you could tell someone where you are
How to make a bad pseudoline arrangement worse
Face incidence polytopes
Bit tricks for wildcard strings and hypercube face lattices
Linkage for Wikipedia's 15th birthday
Report from SODA, ALENEX, and ANALCO
2015 in algorithm preprints
Linkage for the end of the year
Discrepancy of uniform hypergraphs
Planar split thickness
Linkage for mid-December
Enumerating polyhedra with few edge lengths
Polyhedra whose vertex coordinates have no closed form formula
Congratulations, Dr. Lam!
Telephone primes
Halloween linkage
Solar decathlon
Why shallow minors matter for graph drawing
6th and Spring
Toughness in the logic of graphs
Carmichael polynomials from Egyptian fractions
Choosing payments for optimal change
Mid-September linkage
Instability vs anonymization in E Pluribus Hugo
Sara and Timothy
Automated drawing and optimization of syntax diagrams
How to cite conference proceedings published as journal issues
Linkage for the ides of August
WADS photos
Report from WADS
MathML considered harmful
Zio Ziegler in Irvine
Orange County Fair
When AVL trees are perfect
Why you can't fold a paper bag
Fast farthest-first traversal
July 4th parade
Linkage for the end of June
New preprint on track layouts
The white village of Thorn
Report from Geometry Week
Two new papers
Metric dimension for subdivided graphs
Graham on Erdős on Egyptian fractions
Mid-May linkage
Parametric knapsacks for number-theoretic sequences
Fractional knapsacks and colossal abundance
Congratulations, Dr. Bannister!
Tallying preference ballots efficiently
Perturbing weighted elements to make set weights distinct
The red door
Parametric closures
Linkage for tax day
Clique minors in de Bruijn graphs
Shattered glass
Linkage for the ides of March
Photos from Bellairs
The nearest neighbor in an antimatroid
Linkage for the end of a short month
Highly abundant numbers are practical
Halin graph algorithms made simple
Where do you get your BibTeX data?
The linear algebra of edge sets of graphs
Report from SODA, ALENEX, and ANALCO
Circular arc contacts, Miura slides, and ALENEX business
Greetings from San Diego
2014 in algorithm preprints
Linkage for the end of the year
Mendocino menagerie
Back from the land of no internet
Linked polytopes and toric grid tessellations
K-best enumeration algorithms
Linkage for mid-December
Links and knots in the graphs of four-dimensional polytopes
A strike against ERGMs
Linkage for the end of November
Trees that represent bandwidth
LIPIcs formatting tricks
Thin folding
The length of a 2048 game
Linkage for (the day after) Halloween
Another 5-permutohedron
2-site Voronoi triangle centers
Forced creases in Miura folding
Linkage for the end of September
University of Würzburg graffiti
Report from Graph Drawing
Which polycubes have planar graphs?
Bren Hall, East Stairs
Algorithmic representative democracy
Efficiency of Rado graph representations
Flattening things that aren't already flat
A brief introduction to the logic of graphs
Planarization by vertex deletion
Circle packings with small area
Condorcet, Hugo, and sad puppies
Museum of Anthropology
Jun Ren, Freezing Water #7, Vanier Park
Three-colorable circle graphs and three-page book embeddings
Queen Dido and the carpenter's rule
A victory in the Nymwars and some Google+ links
Montgomery Woods
Big grids in outerplanar strict confluent graphs
Using finite automata to draw graphs
Four preprints
Black Phoebe
Seth Teller
Book:Graph Drawing
The future of SoCG
Dobby is a free elf
Reverse perspective
PADS updated to Python 3
Congratulations to Drs. Parrish and Pszona
Parking at The Lab
Cubic 1-planarity
Congratulations, Dr. Simons!
New disjoint paths algorithm
Indifference graphs and their construction
Structures in solution spaces
From when even the cars had moustaches
Congratulations to Tetsuo Asano
Using complete binary trees to prove the power of two choices
Upgrade to Mavericks
Graphs with many cycles and doubled cycle minors
Greetings from Barbados
Induced Clebsch subgraphs
Pythagorean associativity
Hinged cubes
Schramm's monster packing theorem
Coffee heart
Turrell @ LACMA
Splaysort versus Cartesian tree sort
Short takes
Google gratuitously breaks something useful. Again.
Report from SODA, ALENEX, and ANALCO, appendix: coffee
Report from SODA, ALENEX, and ANALCO, day 3
Report from SODA, ALENEX, and ANALCO, day 2
Report from SODA, ALENEX, and ANALCO, day 1
Rose Parade
Mendocino headlands
2013 in algorithm preprints
Gaviota State Beach
Jug Handle State Natural Reserve
Newport Beach Parade of Lights
The takedown madness spreads
Stack-based graph traversal ≠ depth first search
New ACM fellows
Two informal Thanksgiving portraits
Kinematic chains and their graphs
Perfect maximal planar graphs
Joshua Tree
Graphs without long odd cycles
DMTCS web site problems?
The rhyme scheme antimatroid
Three short takes
321-avoiding permutations and their superpatterns
Partitions into 2 and 3
WG 2013 CFP
Plensa @ Bordeaux
Report from Graph Drawing
Stereographic projection of a snub cube
Big batch of graph drawing preprints
The stretched geometry of ceilings
Drawing almost-trees
An anniversary
The other hotel guests
Some talk highlights from WADS
Report from CCCG
1317131 and majorization by subsequences
Orange County Fair
How to play Planarity
Demaine on research
Crystal Cove
How many riffles does it take until all permutations are possible?
Graphs and maps as art
California mapping files freed
My new book on educational technology
CCCG acceptances
Photos from Rio
SoCG day 4
SoCG day 3
SoCG day 2
SoCG day 1
Twitter feeds gone again, with another workaround
A middle school band concert, with silly hats
Congratulations, Dr. Trott!
Cheap fountain pen comparison
Some polyhedral combinatorics
Pair programming meets group testing
A median graph of 213-avoiding permutations
Parameterized complexity of 1-planarity
WADS acceptances
Bending Reality
The Golden Ticket
A brief history of curves in graph drawing
Fixing the wrong song problem
A Gray code for involutions
An early reference on crossing minimization
On stating the obvious
Generating Stirling permutations
Stevens Creek Park
Cayley Permutations
Why we still need real peer review
More on grid minors
Universal permutations
Antimatroids and Balanced Pairs
Congratulations to Jeff Westbrook (again)!
Splitting the buckyball
CFP for Int. Symp. Voronoi Diagrams
Rota, Bárány, and Larman
Which graphs have polynomially many connected subgraphs?
A glimpse of the four-dimensional bitruncated 120-cell, with magnets
Strong components of the Wikipedia graph
The view from my office this evening
Fun with channel mixer
Top ten algorithms preprints of 2012
Christmas ham
Christmas and the boat parade
A partial order on strings of parentheses
Grid minors in damaged grids
Photos from Urbana
Planar bipartite permutation graphs
A notation for 321-avoiding permutations
Graph parameters and cliques in supergraphs
Soap bubbles that look like planets
Commenting temporarily off
Symposium and Workshop on Phylogenomics and Metagenomics at UT-Austin
Prop. 30
San Joaquin Wildlife Sanctuary
Twitter feeds gone
Report from the Meshing Roundtable
A great example of making research easy to understand
Graph Drawing talks are online
Relational events vs graphs
Eades workshop photos
Finding peripheral cycles is hard
TwitterScope gets best paper at GD
Johnson on NP-completeness
Snark from the physicists
Counting distinct subsequences
Chaotic evaluation of Sudoku difficulty
More graph theory
17-40 @ LACMA
Mimicking networks
MathJax in Wikipedia
Orange County Fair
Diamonds, kites, and circle packings
Two Amandas
Photos from Prague
Graph drawing acceptances
Recognition algorithms for subfamilies of threshold graphs
Problems from EuroGIGA
Soap bubble graphs
My new toy
Three recently-created Wikipedia articles
3d modeling tools
Congratulations, Uni Hills graduates!
Steiner spanners
Photos from Venice
Leiden Poetry Walk
Report from FUN
Link roundup
Open-access research and Wikipedia
Flip distance is NP-complete
Hot Rods for Rancho
Comprehensive update to PADS
Insecurity questions
An object that moves by folding and unfolding itself
Fourier Life
COCOON acceptances
Binary numbers without the zeros
GD2012 poster
New Google+ user interface
Easter eggs
SWAT acceptances
New uses for old illustrations
An almost-forgotten combinatorist: Heinrich August Rothe
Fast Go game recognition
Big batch of brief biographies
Wikipedia coverage of German CS
Gadgets and isomorphism
Solving single-digit Sudoku subproblems
COCOON deadline extended
Version control
COCOON submission deadline rapidly approaching
Needles in haystacks: shared factors among many large composite numbers
Two more additions to Wikipedia
LP-type problem
Periodic graphs with aperiodic optimal colorings
Cycle double covers
Turn sequences
Fun with Algorithms
Sudoku puzzles with small numbers of clues
Link roundup
Two Palo Alto parks
Top ten algorithms preprints of 2011
Temple of Kwan Tai
Stella octangula number
Hendy Woods
Leon Mirsky, covering systems, and primefree sequences
Newport Beach Christmas Boat Parade
Backyard visitor
Sorting algorithms demonstrated in folk dance
Odds and ends
Moser spindle
Two new preprints on hard problems for geometric graphs
I saw the figure eight in black
Compound of three octahedra
Problems accessing an IEEE CGA paper
Google scholar citations
Which infinite graphs are chordal?
First world problems
How to lie with geometric illustrations
Gaiman–Palmer Halloween Show
Sparse incomparability implies sparse covering
Fundamental Data Structures
Victory in the nymwars?
The Tron motorcycle game, combinatorialized
Linear probing made easy
Symposium on Computational Geometry 2012 Call For Papers
Fractalized Pythagorean tiling
Tiling the plane with similar polygons of multiple sizes
Graph drawing puzzles and games
Keller's cube-tiling conjecture and Keller graphs
Random links
De Berenkuil
Generating permutations with recursive generators
Spui graffiti
Colored squares
Photos from Eindhoven and Maastricht
Potential method of amortization and bad graph drawing
More graph drawing in Wikipedia
Confluence vs Lombardi
Report from Graph Drawing
Two unrelated stories that make me feel good about people
Neighbor chains
Reversible cellular automata
Three papers from this year's Graph Drawing symposium
Eiichi Goto
Patrick C. Fischer
Tiling with antiparallelograms
Don't be evil
The one-way street theorem
Membership Dimension and the Small-World Phenomenon
Statistics of the Wikipedia pseudoforest
Centrality in visualization
Willoughby Windows
Report from WADS
Three cellular automata updates
Why your lovers had more lovers than you did
Photos from New York
Another front in the nymwars
Grid vs tree (with a bit of number theory on the side)
Squaregraph sequences
Complexity of finding the smallest well-covered completion
Well-covered graphs on Wikipedia
(Nearly) a month on Google+
Toughness of orthogonal polyhedra
Nine new graph algorithm papers at JGAA
Photos from the Orange County Fair
A mathematical model of conference acceptance rates
FOCS acceptances
A hidden gem at the De Young
Photos from Mendocino
Wikipedia editing for research scientists
East Totem West
Photos from Paris
Report from SoCG
A third kind of number
An open problem in greedy geometric algorithms
Baruch Awerbuch missing?
Fashion photographer photographed
Another cell phone photo
Congratulations, Dr. Strash!
8F day three
8F day two
8F day one
New academicians
Two WADS preprints
So what do we need cameras for, again?
Integer sorting survey
Pictures at a (car) exhibition
Which bibliographic database to use? I'll take both
Randomized Bellman–Ford
Wikipedia wants more contributions from academics
Counting grid cycles using transfer matrices
Halfspace intersections and their complexity
Partial cubes from rhombus tiling flips
Theory vs implementation in clique listing algorithms
Random graphs
How to recognize a sphere
The sad case of Ike Antkare
Anti-Gilbreath sequences
Gilbreath made practical
Conference deadline synchronization
Flex-invariant families of quadrilaterals
Anonymous comments temporarily disabled
Top ten algorithms preprints of 2010
Multiterminal planar flow
Photos from Korea
Report from ISAAC
How not to present algorithms
Algorithms inspired by TRON
Should theory conferences have explicit anti-harassment policies?
Online theory resources
Diameters and domination
Hash functions made easy
Photos from the Netherlands
Exact algorithms at Dagstuhl
Approximate book
Graph Drawing invited talks on video
The Folkman graph in Lombardi style
Graph decompositions and a counterexample to a meta-conjecture
The server is robust!
Densities of minor-closed graph families
In response to Peter Eades
Lombardi hardness
Thurston on random Delaunay triangulations and random minimum spanning trees
Rapid mixing for 3-colorings
Not so smart
Planar drawings with few slopes
Four graph drawing papers
A binary model of cycle 3-coloring
Social network datasets
Chessboards and colorings
New book on Conway's Game of Life
ISAAC 2010 acceptances
Big sets of equidistant points on smooth surfaces
Big batch of photos
Equilateral but not cospherical
David Gunderson's mathematical models
More from CCCG
Report from CCCG
Fáry in 3d?
Weird text encoding issue with Google scholar
More forbidden minors for apex graphs
YΔY-reducibility, apex graphs, and forbidden minors
Graph Drawing acceptances and the Lombardi Spirograph
Double rainbow and puzzle piece trays
One-crossing-minor-free flows
FOCS abstracts
Regular labelings
Listing maximal cliques
Photos from Snowbird
Report from SoCG and Massive
End-of-year show photos
Cloning Voronoi diagrams
UCI graffiti
Separators vs separation
Turning bridges into climbing walls
Ramified rectilinear polygons
Sky Park
Pathwidth and conference fee follow-up
Per-paper registration fees: big red flag, or just the price of doing business?
Conference submission formats
Graph Drawing 2009 proceedings now online
Odd bisectors of points on circles
NRC/CRA/ISI ranking trouble
Six-to-one perspective
Asymptotics and usability
Peer review and libel
The Radon exchange arrangement
Mildly paranoid interlude
Crossing-parity-invariant graphs
Lines and joints in 3d
SoCG rebuttal
SoCG acceptances
The Radon exchange graph
JoCG is up and running
Out with the old, in with the new
Skew lines
EuroCG program
120-degree crystal
SODA: the action-packed finale
Monday at SODA
Sunday, Sunday, Sunday! SODA, SODA, SODA!
Report from ALENEX
van Emde Boas priority queue implementation
Unit distance graphs
ECCC on Wikipedia
Spanning trees with few leaves
Surfwood Barn
Boat parade
STACS acceptances
Paper permutohedron
Orthogonal polyhedra
Fake conference scams
Not drowning but waving
Growth and Decay in Life-Like Cellular Automata
Slopes of intersecting line segments
Another case of plagiarism
Four open from IPAM
Commutative diagrams
Curves in graph drawing
Paths and edge-colorings in hypercubes
Updated bibtex style for easy hyperlinking of articles
Dublin and Chicago photos
Some statistics about this year's Graph Drawing program
Crossing resolution of bounded-degree graphs
Report from the Hamilton Workshop
Not the Nauru graph
More Banff photos
Another theory blog
Manhattan embedding, paired approximation, and stragglers
Equilateral linkage rationality
SODA acceptances
Congratulations, Dr. Sitchinava!
ISAAC acceptances
Banff photos
Russian Gulch
Two papers on angular resolution and geometric graph algorithms
Social networks are not scale-free
Crater Lake
Slides from my WADS talks
Report from WADS
Free internet?
Pay-for-Ph.D. scandal
Regulation of private colleges
Rafting on the Rogue River
Turtle Bay
SCIgen to the rescue!
Greed can fail for American money
Graph Drawing acceptances
More corporate academic-publishing shenanigans
FOCS accepts
Three sets of photos
Report from WG
Copyright, permanence, jossage
Metroville: the confluent drawing puzzle
Report from SoCG
Faster ladders in Life without Death
Two great tastes that... no wait
Fixed radius near neighbors
New Journal of Computational Geometry
Congratulations, Dr. Wortman!
Topological Bentley–Ottman?
Graph Drawing deadline approaching
Acute-dihedral triangulation of the cube
Wolfram Alpha: no competition for Google
I am not a number!
Visualizing BFS as a spiral
A confluent drawing
The metric space of star metric spaces
Between the Folds
Warning re FOCS URLs
Odd triangles
Constraining the orientations of adjacent rectangles in a rectangular cartogram
Database privacy
Sudoku and 2SAT
Graph h-indices and fast ERGM simulation
WADS acceptances
Workshop on Theory and Many-Cores
Late-breaking information about the new FOCS submission process
Procrastination and subcubes
Fibonacci dimension
The inventor of the video game is dead
Sums of square roots
Some more snapshots
Breadtie biology
Fibonacci cubes and the zigzag lattice
How not to title your papers
Joachim's poll on free computational geometry journals
Computational Geometry accepted papers
Why graphs?
STOC accepted papers
ACM Election slates
Flat equilateral tori?
Today's reading
EuroCG accepted papers list
Antimatroids from sorting networks
Cartograms that can morph
Birkhoff's representation theorem and its algorithmic applications
Graph Drawing call for papers
Debian package-manager Sudoku
Confluence and label clutter in graph drawing
Another carnival of mathematics
Matchings and cycles in complete bipartite graphs
Crown graph drawing tutorial
Photos from Strassen's Knuth Prize lecture
Self-overlapping curve slides
Continued minimal SODA blogging
Today at SODA
Two implementation papers from ALENEX
From the Palace of the Legion of Honor
California Avenue
The notion that hackers worldwide interfere with context-free grammar
Reference needed
Cliques of dichotomies
Killer circles threaten America
Permanent similarity
Line arrangements
Finding Christmas cacti
Congratulations, Dr. Díaz-Gutiérrez!
Few crossings
Pseudocircles and minimization diagrams
The new phone books are here! The new phone books are here!
Just another Williams blog
Parts assembly and the burr puzzle antimatroid
Healthy Algorithms
Academics, Wikipedia, and TCS
Cubical clique subdivisions
Disbanding Lund's CS department
Yet another drawing of the Nauru graph
SODA hotel redux
When academic politics gets ugly
Report from ACM GIS 2008
Graphs of zonohedra
Nuptual numbers
Crossings vs crossing angle in graph drawing
Photos from Graph Drawing
No conference travel for NASA scientists
The candidates on science
STOC submission server is open
Two papers on quad meshes
Political science
In Bruges
Future conferences
Photos from The Netherlands, III
Photos from The Netherlands, II
Graph Drawing 2008
Photos from The Netherlands, I
Report from Karlsruhe
Congratulations, Dr. Mumford
On peer review
Version control
Big JavaScript speedup
Sorted sets in PADS
Useful bibliographic search site of the day
LaTeX Unicodifier
Zoom into three multiply-tangent surfaces of revolution
Santa Barbara
The Robot Cometh
Carnival 37
Alternative blogging hosts?
Graph Drawing accepted papers
Quadrilateral meshes, motorcycle graphs, and approximate matching
Carnival of mathematics
The dilation center of a triangle
The Nauru graph in 3d
Pythagoras in Babylon
FOCS acceptances
My cousin's wedding
Middle school promotion
Hadwiger hardness
Two recent arXiv uploads
Silver Award
The line graph of the Desargues graph
Symmetric embeddings of cubic symmetric graphs
A gallery of large graphs
Extended deadline for Graph Drawing
Topological graph theory video talks
Hiring foreign students = espionage
The 40D at the World's Fair
Carnival triangles
Cographs as free algebra
Distance-hereditary graphs, chord diagrams, and polyominoes
Open problems in polyhedral combinatorics
International Day
3d skeletons
Woman bites dog
Median graphs and binary majorization
Graph drawing talk
Academic freedom
Recent (?) results on the complexity of combinatorial games
Neusis pentagram
Two acceptance lists
Automated detection of mass plagiarism in Medline
Reweighting a graph for faster shortest paths
Johns Hopkins censors scientific database
Biclique covers
How to implement an antimatroid
Ageev's squaregraph
Labeling the cells of a triangle-free chord diagram
The missing subset sum
Exponential time algorithmics in popular webcomics
Blogging while untenured
The naming of graphs is a difficult matter
Bubble sort would be the wrong way to go
Chord diagrams and Euler tours
A peek into the sausage factory
Shut out
Westbrook honored
Static optimality for splay trees
Visualizing biblical social networks
A few random links as I wind down from SODA
SODA Day 3
SODA Day 2
SODA Day 1: Nerdy Music
A medium of double permutations
Triangle-free chord diagrams
Two cultures
Kaleidoscopic pseudolines
Analyzing Algorithm X
Rips complexes of spherical cows
New Years Eve on the North Coast
Formal knot theory, III: a twisted 5-cube
Formal knot theory, II: winding numbers and antimatroidality
Last carnival of the year
Formal knot theory, I: a bad proof
Balboa Pier
Get the lead out
3d rendering difficulty
Recent reading roundup
Carnival 22
How to criticize computer scientists
The many faces of the Nauru graph
Congratulations, Dr. Carlson!
Allegedly tough to be a Republican in the academy
The topcoders count isosceles triangles
Two topology blogs
SODA hotels?
Joshua Tree
O'Rourke at Swarthmore
Halloween photos
Six recent arXiv papers
Dual associahedron
AAAS Fellows
New record Turing machine
Some hints for mathematical writing
More on cubic symmetric graphs
Math spam
Cubic symmetric xyz graphs
Teach your students well
The photon/XOR system
Blum-style analysis of Quickselect
Conference on Topological and Geometric Graph Theory
Math Fun Facts
Math on the Midway
MeFi goes geometric
Bowtie-minor-free graphs
Batting averages
Surfaces for symmetric groups
The Topology of Orthogonal Graph Drawing
Andy's triangles
Google mail tip
A different kind of permutation polyhedron
Lucky 17
FOCS hotel
University Hills party
Keeping the US safe from musicologists
SODA accepts
Geometry of partial cubes
Shorter Koblitz
Vietoris–Rips complexes are Čech complexes
Science under Big Brother
The new face of terror
Not the multinomial coefficients
Another set of WADS talk slides
Euler Archive
Uh oh
Photo from Halifax
Straggler detection slides
London photos: better late than never
Media Theory
Double spirals as pseudolines
Was sind und was sollen die Pseudogeraden?
Biker theorist
Web mail connection security
From the Department of Redundancy Department
Vienna photos
Photos from Slovenia and notes from Vienna
Japanese-Slavic culinary innovations
Open problem garden and a pointed pseudotriangulation problem
Geometry of partial cubes
Two math videos
Programming in theory class
Cute problem related to integer sorting
Not invented here
Conference reviewing procedure
ESA accepts
Recent journal papers
당근 쏭 (carrot song)
A biased coin
Sausage and Buddhist temples
Mathematical art blog
Econ ready for a shakeup?
Recognizing xyz graphs is hard
Universal Turing machines
Geometric complexity theory
Carnival eight
Triangles, squares, and pentagons
Partial cube recognition in PADS
World Fair
Counting guillotine partitions
Partial cube recognition
Lucky seven
Edges and Switches, Tunnels and Bridges
Algorithm March with Ninjas
Forced open access
WADS accept list, and two new arxiv uploads
Another reason to avoid commercial journal publishers
Computational cameras
Graph Drawing call for papers
Another fortnight, another carnival
Graph file formats
Ren Faire
Houdini's trick, implemented
ICALP acceptances
Triangular numbers with many factors
Robust statistics and partial cubes
Ugly numbers?
Visibility graph
Smooth pairs
Fano down
Carnival of Mathematics
Fermat talk at UCI
Størmer's algorithm
Email woes
Algorithm education in Python
The range-restricted Hamming problem
Venn diagrams
Hamming's problem
Main page
Visualizing the space of linear threshold functions
Not talking about polar bears
Snakes, birthdays, and color calibration
Pentathlon math
Two new blogs, two unsolved problems
WADS submission deadline extended
Two partial cubes from one antimatroid
STOC acceptances
Pruning antimatroids is hard
Shelling and pseudotriangulation
Fixed Earth
Wikipedia and interesting numbers
Going to Korea
Venkataraman primes
Aspect ratio and image size
Peer review and self-publication
Risky plagiarism
Office furniture
Recognizing bisectable trees
To cite or not to cite
Even greedy expansion
Gehry gone
Recognized authority
Continued gender bias in science
Subgreedy Egyptian Expansions
Retrograde Analysis for Sandpiles
Day Two (Monday Morning Madness)
The Big Easy
Strange leaps of logic
Windy Hill
Cake Train
Several species of small furry animals
Old plagiarists never die
Some Christmas photos
Infinite odd Engel expansions
Sieving for factorizations
Modular Egyptian fractions
Borges and Chaitin
Manhattan orbifolds
Egyptian fractions with small denominators
Intelligent design moves on from biology to theoretical CS
The tree didn't stay decorated long
Primes and Subsequences
An Egyptian fraction non-algorithm
Plane configurations from pairs of lines
Slovenia in the summertime
Joshua tree again
More configurations
More on configurations
We're hiring!
Useless graph theory result #421965
Color illustrations
Geometry in Hollywood
Halloween party
A partial answer to my periodic tiling coloring question
Arrest-the-messenger politics and academic CS
Embedding the Gray Graph in a hypercube
Pumpkin shopping time again
Stable, maybe, but marriage?
Concepts, bicliques, and sparsity
New school
Flip graph paper
A projective configuration
Coordinates for associahedra?
Another gratuitously-nonplanar drawing
Automata-theoretic algorithms in online gaming
University campuses and network censorship
A tale of two graph drawings
Keeping Hardy spinning in his grave
Big batch of family photos
Happy endings for flip graphs
Point sets with no empty quadrilateral
Engel expansion
Induced but not isometric
Grid flip graphs are partial cubes
More LJ syndication
Another view of the 3x3 flip graph
Triangulations of a 3x3 grid
Graph drawing, final day
Graph drawing, day two
Triangulations of points on two lines
Connectivity in high dimensional grids
Five years
Periodic coloring of tilings
Color space embedding
New homes for old papers; 4OSME
Neural nets and Sudoku
Antimatroids as algebras
A little too close to home
Strange mice
Two great tastes that...maybe not
Dead trees
Plagiarism in theses
Mostly Harmless
Not the middle ages
Jungle mural
U. Hills BBQ
Algorithmic art
Chose my new office
Bren Hall walk-through
Three recent posts on TCS and peer review
Mathematical storytelling
Zero-knowledge Sudoku
Uh oh
Give them what they want
Cubical teabags
Slight positive curvature
The face of terror, redux
Trees with Convex Faces and Optimal Angles
The end of the summer fun
Congratulations, Dr. Augustine
Graph Drawing accepts
Upright-quad drawing
Bren Hall construction
Three in at Graph Drawing
Congratulations, Dr. Sun
Photos from Mendocino
Rafting photos
The other side of the lens
Dilworth in PADS
July Fourth Parade
Welcome to a new theorist
Rafting on the American River
Sniping and fair auctions
Flag Day
ESA accepted papers
Drawings with few slopes
Two great tastes that taste great together
Reverse search for antimatroids
Ambiguously xyz
Flow Maps
Wine bottle abstract
Academic freedom
Saved by the focus button
st-orientation and xyz graph recognition
3-coloring and xyz graphs
Theory BBQ
Topology of xyz graphs
Vista Verde Spring Concert
A multicolored checkerboard
Think color perception is objective?
A projective plane in a 3d grid
Paper vote
Schrödinger's what?
Inverted permutohedra
Candy Store Hike
Death of Usenet predicted
Formula tattoo
The face of terror
Slideshow lookahead
Two more little league games
Noncommutative Geometry
The end of the softball season
Graph Drawing CFP
This weekend's softball
Hyperbolic Chamber
Asymptotics and Poker
Football math
Two more softball games
Math is delicious
International Day
Wayzgoose and my office
Pixel noise fingerprinting
Alabama graph theory clique
Similar triangle inversion
Two more Little League games
Two softball losses
Time to change my name to Aaronson
Squarepants in a tree
Prime partition
Obsolete submission format requirements
More softball photos
Another theory blog
Kruskal in PADS
Freeway Series
One day early
Ernie on LJ
Sudoku math on TV
Trompe l'oeil trucks
Fishy fishy fishy fish
Different values of \(\pi\)
Bizarre criteria for plagiarism
Miquel's Six Circles in 3d
An art gallery like problem
Symmetric central limits
RSS evangelism
Little League
Area and perimeter preserving maps of quadrilaterals
More softball photos
New math blog
Softball season begins
Zag numbers
Happy Pi Day!
Speaking of namesakes
Can't they spell my name right?
Counting nonzero bits
Fave photos
A local central limit theorem?
When anonymice are outlawed, only outlaws will comment?
A Harry Potter birthday party
Diffraction analysis for Sudoku
Different entropies
I've reached 200 photos on Flickr!
Fano updated
Farthest neighbors and triangle strips
First they came for the evolutionary biologists...
Intelligent cosmology redux
Data compression blog
When averages are misleading
Visual complexity
SODA roundup
Acceptance probability
In retrospect, this should have been obvious
Another day, another climate
Escape from OC
Counterexample to Ádám
Adobe Lightroom
Photos from Mendocino
Minimum Weight Triangulation is NP-hard
Psychadelic Posters and Google
Christmas snapshots
ZeFrank's alphabet
UCI campus architecture and typography
Holiday concert
Fano upgraded
Intelligent historical linguistics
Sawdust Festival and Christmas Kids
The monotone formula game
Sudoku research highlighted
New eprint RSS feeds
Why? Just because.
Endangered species
Indian Cove
Sudoku triple threat bug
A number-theoretic TSP
Comic strip time
The rest of the Halloween costume photos
Breasts not bombs
Peer review
Confluent drawing paper published
Google Print has an early success
Tag Cloud
Boo Bash
Incompetent design
All they wanted to do was pumpkins
Hamster Sudoku
O'Neill Regional Park
Complexity theory and Sudoku
Assuming uniqueness in deductions
Two papers: simplicial arrangements and graph drawing
Updates to proofs of Euler's formula
Delta-confluent drawing paper up
Bad Math
Dame Evelyn Stokes
Photos from Sara's birthday party
Erdős numbers extended
Algorithm fantasy
Single-digit Sudoku rules
Small world graphs
A planar graph with nonconfluent complement
Making change
Dark matter
A confluent complement
A kaleidoscope of simplicial arrangements
Confluent tournament
Time machine
A stopped tribble is right twice a day
Fano update
Cabaret photos
The map is not the territory
Now that be a fine theorem
Blog search and graph drawing
Empty hexagon
Photos from Ireland
Simplicial pseudoline arrangements
Graph Drawing, day 2
Delta-confluent talk slides
Tag list
Limited connectivity
SODA accepted paper list
Simplicial arrangements with few slopes
Mix and match
Infinite families of simplicial arrangements
Geometric thickness of bounded degree graphs
Seventeen centuries of ID debate
Zonohedra and cubic partial cubes
SODA and other theory conferences
People are identical, only the filters of education distinguish them
Intelligent cosmology
Livejournal and CSS
RSS feeds for algorithm journals?
Update to PADS; concave 1d dynamic programming
Arxiv trackbacks
Egyptian fractions
We're number 47!
Photographic typography
Google meme observatory
Reproductive and academic productivity
Astronomy links
Combinatorial group testing slides
Optimal subtrees
The colors of mathematics
Moving on from biology to chemistry...
Tumbling gym party photos
Tree of life
What is the dimension of the set of partitions?
Update to publist
Another partial cube of partitions
Big database of graph families
Partial cubes from binary partitions
Two trees on integer partitions
Integer partitions
Some Early English Fragments
Mathematics made difficult
Illustration software
Maps on the internet
Shameless egotism
Painter of light
Bernar Venet
Camp Surf
CCCG online proceedings
Odd Core
Talk slides from Pisa
Mendocino Headlands
Fuente art car
Big batch o' papers
Updated Python library: Repetitivity, Sudoku