Linkage for the end of September
Rush hour video, or, what our robot-driven future will be like
The Washington Post rants about those evil student pirates, but neglects to mention the free alternatives (G+)
A song video about knots, from the low-dimensional topology blog
Fun hex grid facts, via MF
KaTeX, a lobotomized but fast web math renderer
David Wade’s ‘Fantastic Geometry’ – The Works of Wenzel Jamnitzer & Lorenz Stoer on Dataisnature
Something about how some data structures I helped develop could improve bitcoin mining (G+)
63 and –7/4 are special, numberphile video about prime factors of recurrence sequences (G+)
Critique of Hirsch’s Citation Index, article in the Notices about how the h-index doesn't provide much more information than the total citation count (G+)