Halloween linkage
How big publishers are likely to co-opt the open access movement (G+)
Test how not-ready-for-prime-time your browser's MathML implementation is (G+)
Maria Chudnovsky's search for a combinatorial perfect graph coloring algorithm (G+)
Thank you LaTeX stack exchange for having useful answers to everyday questions, this time about a bad interaction between hyperref, natbib, and dois in bibtex data
Wikipedia cites open-access journals more frequently than closed-access ones
GF(2)-polynomial multiplication instructions lead to a fast XOR-universal hash function
Three times the House Science Committee abused its subpoena power to hassle scientists it disagreed with (G+)
Hollow heaps, a supposedly-simpler replacement for Fibonacci heaps (G+)
SWAT (the Scandinavian Symposium and Workshops on Algorithm Theory) goes open-access with LIPIcs