Historic (but no longer extant) Native American settlements such as Buldam, California appear to have been removed from the online gazetteer of the USGS (\(\mathbb{M}\)). Other former settlements such as Rockport, California have not been erased. A discussion on Wikipedia suggests the difference may be that the native settlements did not have a precise known location.
The Practice of Algebraic Curves (\(\mathbb{M}\)), new book by David Eisenbud and Joe Harris available for free download (with account registration) from the AMS.
Clarivate/ProQuest stop allowing libraries to buy books under perpetual licenses (\(\mathbb{M}\)), instead demanding perpetual subscription fees for the same content.
Is it still legal to put European private data on US clouds?
The call for nominations for the annual Knuth Prize for outstanding contributions to the foundations of computer science is out (\(\mathbb{M}\)). This year’s chair is Edith Cohen; nominations are due March 31. The prize is scheduled to be presented at STOC 2024.
\(\mathsf{TIME}[t]\subset\mathsf{SPACE}\bigl[\sqrt{t\log t}\bigr]\) (\(\mathbb{M}\)), new result by Ryan Williams to appear at STOC. It applies to multi-tape Turing machines and oblivious RAMs but not to more general RAM models.
“Science must step away from nationally managed infrastructure” (\(\mathbb{M}\)), editorial by Dan Goodman in The Transmitter.
Geometry trammels (\(\mathbb{M}\)), a short video on mechanical linkages to draw certain algebraic curves, showing also that their operation is a bit clunky.
Pop-up geometry art book by Sjoerd Hofstra inspired by Euclid’s Elements (\(\mathbb{M}\), see also). I think this must be the Sjoerd Hofstra of Hofstra Book Arts in Brooklyn, not the Dutch sociologist and anthropologist with the same name.
Mark-Jason Dominus tried to get LLM Claude to understand the Hadwiger numbers of cubes (\(\mathbb{M}\), repost). It didn’t go well.