Between the Folds
I just came back from seeing Between the Folds, a beautiful feature-length documentary film on the art and science of origami, at the Newport Beach Film Festival, featuring star turns by, among others, tomster0 and Erik and Marty Demaine. My kids were laughing at loud at Paul Jackson's description of three-legged elephants (part of a rant about realism in art) and my wife was nodding in recognition at Erik's description of how excited one gets when one first solves a hard problem and how likely one's initial solution is to be wrong. I guess it's still on the film festival tour, so you'll have to figure out where it's playing next or wait to see it on DVD, but I highly recommend it.
ETA 1/1/10: Now out on DVD after showing on PBS. I missed most of the showing but fortunately caught enough of the tail end to find the ordering information.