Linkage for 200,000 edits to Wikipedia
Executive Order on Further Advancing Racial Equity and Support for Underserved Communities Through The Federal Government (\(\mathbb{M}\)), including guidelines for equitable use of AI and automated systems through a new Blueprint for an AI Bill of Rights (that is, rights for people to be protected against unfair uses of AI, not rights for artificial intelligences).
Why prove it? (\(\mathbb{M}\), via). John Stillwell on human-written vs machine-checkable proofs, with reference to the abc conjecture.
Low tide at Crystal Cove State Park (\(\mathbb{M}\)).
Another newly promoted Wikipedia Good Article: Polygonalization (\(\mathbb{M}\)), about finding a polygon that uses all of a given set of points as vertices. The usual definitions allow it to go straight through some of the vertices, rather than always turning, though, and the illustration below shows why: for some point sets, including 3x3 grids, a polygon that turns everywhere might not exist.
Would it be possible to create a tool to automatically diagram papers? (\(\mathbb{M}\)), by Terry Tao, inspired by the diagrams the proof-assistant people have been using to guide their work.
People who indulge in the fringe belief in the reality of certain folklore beasts are sad that Wikipedia now focuses on the folklore of these beasts without going into much detail about the fringe belief in their reality (\(\mathbb{M}\)). (Based on a both-sides-ist Slate article that I’m not going to link.)
Origami actuators (\(\mathbb{M}\)), for simple repetitive motions of origami models, by attaching flat-printed electromagnets to them.
Gasarch writes: It is more important than ever to teach your students probability (even non-stem students) (\(\mathbb{M}\)). Why: because your university may be making deals promoting online gambling to the same students, as the linked copy of a New York Times article details.
Sometime in the last month (not exactly sure when) I passed the milestone of 200,000 edits (all non-automated) to Wikipedia (\(\mathbb{M}\)). That’s…a lot of edits. Although, as of earlier in the month when it was below 200,000, it only places me at 260 on the list of all-time prolific editors. And a couple of the top ten are now blocked, so it’s not exactly always a place of pride.
Mesmerizing paper sculptures and animations by Zai Divecha convey the subtlety of change (\(\mathbb{M}\), see also). Basically a 3d papercraft zoetrope.