New US visa requirements for travelers from visa-waiver countries who have visited Iran, may especially effect computational geometers who have been to the Winter School on Computational Geometry
Lecture notes from de Bruijn's course on combinatorics have an unlikely host (G+)
Undecidability of an energy gap in arrays of quantum devices (G+)
Analog rather than digital production of chaotic/fractal images, using video feedback (G+)
Congratulations to the computer scientists newly inducted into the NAE
Zombies vs humans, visualization of a continuous pursuit-evasion model
The Kansas and Louisiana public university systems race to the bottom. But maybe the threat to the football team can act as a parachute? (G+)
Reversing the curve-shortening flow can send nice curves into very messy singularities (G+)
Ed Pegg's new tetrahedrally-symmetric surface of constant width