Bending Reality
The Dagstuhl workshop I just attended included an art exhibit, Bending Reality: Where arc and science meet, of maps and illustrations featuring curved graphs; I had several pieces in it. It was lots of fun to see images such as this one and this one printed out in a large size (70 x 100 cm) and framed as art, rather than just used as technical illustrations.
The space the exhibit was shown in consisted of four long corridors with lots of natural light from windows into an atrium area; it worked well for viewing the art, but not so well for photographing the exhibit (and my failure to bring a wide angle lens didn't help, either). Anyway, the images in the show are all better viewed directly online rather than as photographs of framed printouts. So I only kept a few photos as an impression of what the exhibit was like.
Supposedly there's a plan to make a web site of the exhibit catalog; I'll link it here once it exists.
See also André Schulz's blog post on the metro maps in the exhibit.