Today I and my family went to Wayzgoose, an annual festival held on Earth Day in Aldritch Park, in the center of the UCI campus. Lots of student groups selling food from booths, several stages with music and shows, an SCA group holding court and doing battle, Taiko drummers, a vintage car show, climbing tower, kiddie rides and a petting zoo, and probably some other stuff I've forgotten. I didn't take many photos, but here they are: a couple engines from the cars that Sara and I were admiring while her brother took in a reptile show, and one of the SCA members fighting. Supposedly the Irvine World News photographer got a good shot of my son with centipedes on his arm, so we'll have to pay attention to see if they publish that one.

On the way home, I stopped briefly by my office, and since I had my camera with me, decided to take a few pictures (same link). It's not likely to be my office for much longer: we're all moving to a new building in less than a year. I'm going to miss my views of the park...


I hope the new building has straighter walls :-)