Why academic writing stinks or, keep it simple (G+)
A visual compendium of glowing creatures, scientific illustration by Eleanor Lutz (G+)
Women in computer science get tenure at significantly lower rates than men even after normalizing for research productivity (G+)
Tietze's graph, Wikipedia article expanded with a new illustration of why it has the name it has: it was an earlier counterexample in the theory of coloring graphs on non-orientable surfaces
Abdel Kader Haidara awarded Germany's 2014 Africa Prize for rescuing Timbuktu manuscripts
Adobe Digital Editions 4 spying on users by sending a listing of the contents of your entire digital library in cleartext (G+)
Optimal randomized comparison sorting: a question on the CSTheory exchange observing that randomization can break the decision tree lower bound and asking what's known about upper bounds
More on the strange scale-free Babylonian concept of number, in which 1 and 60 were apparently indistinguishable (G+)
Robert le Ricolais’s Tensegrity Models, architectural models that could as well be abstract art
European Science Foundation demands retraction of criticism in Nature, threatens legal action (G+)